I know I have not written for many weeks. There has beena string of events that have unfolded in God's perfect timing. These events have detered me from my writting but I think I am back in the swing of things.
I think over the past couple of weeks God has spoken to me about my worth. God has been showing me who He is and what I am, but now I am seeing his love for me. Psalm cxiii.5,6 who is like unto the LORD our God, who dwelleth on high, who humbleth himself to behold the things that are in heaven, and in the earth!
It says here that God humbles Himself to look on us. We must bring into account all the truths about the beings mentioned here.
1. God is absolute Holy; He does not have to look upon us.
2. Man is absolute coruption; he does not deserve to be looked upon.
3. God's love, beyond our understanding, for man compels Him to humble Himself and look upon His lowly creation and care for it.
What a treasure we are in God. On our own we are nothing and the rebel of creation; but in God, we are the most loved and cared for creatures in the Kingdom.