There are three break downs in the verse; and three things that our great God does.
1. He setteth the solitary in families: You know many people suffer from depression and loneliness. When you come to God you come into a family. Not just the Father and Son of the Trinity, but you some into the family of the Church. Not just your local church but the Church family all around the world. If you come to God you'll never be out, or away form the family.
2. He bringeth out those which are bound with chains: Now these chains here are talking about the chains of success. Now we know God saves us all from the American dream. What is that dream? A self made life. No man is anything unless he is God-made. No man can make his own success. There are always strings (chains) attached to one's success. Well God frees the lost man free from 'his' chains of success and God gives him His own riches in Glory!
3. But the rebellious dwell in a dry land: We always ask why it seems that the evil move forward and the servants of God are left in poverty! The grass isn't always greener on the other side boys and girls. Member those chains? The evil are completely bound by them. They look like they are successful, but then consider their end. The only way something grows is if it gets proper care. Can you really succeed in a dry place then? Silly explanation but i think the emerging church people get it!