I often say my prayers
But do I ever pray?
and do the wishes of my heart
Go with the words I say?
I may as well kneel down
And worship gods of stone
As offer to the living God
A prayer of words alone
There must be no dictating, nor can we 'claim' anything from God. for we are beggars dependent upon His mere mercy. In all our praying we must add, 'Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt.'
We are profited from the Scriptures when prayer become a real and deep joy. Merely to 'say our prayers' each morning and evening is an irksome task, a duty to be performed which brings a sigh of relief when it is done. But really to come into the conscious presence of God, to behold the glorious light of His countenance, to commune with Him at the mercy seat, is a foretaste of the eternal bliss awaiting us in heaven.
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