Ya know I've adopted this little saying for this summer. I planed to live it the best I could, but i did know that God would use it to help change me. As much as the things around me distract, my prayer is that I will keep a steady focus on God and what he needs me to do.
Spend little time in front of the tv. Spend little time in pleasure books. Read about God, more important read THE BIBLE!!! Dont just read the bible cause you'll fall behind in your yearly reading schedule, read it so that it will, EVERY DAY, transform your life and ministry.
I never want to be able to claim the words of that old hymn I wish I had given Him more! Lay aside those silly sins, seeing them for more than just a distraction but as a destruction to your walk with God. Brothers, Christ said, 'lay down your nets and follow me'. i pray that we can do that as we follow Christ.
Forsake All
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Welsh Hymn

This is a some what well known welsh hymn. Written by William Williams I found when i translated the words literally they were very powerful.
Dyma gariad fel y moroedd,
Tosturiaethau fel y lli:
Twysog Bywyd pur yn marw—
Marw i brynu’n bywyd ni.
Pwy all beidio â chofio amdano?
Pwy all beidio â thraethu’I glod?
Dyma gariad nad â’n angof
Tra fo nefoedd wen yn bod.
English (literal)
Here is love like the ocean
Mercies like the current
The pure Prince of life died
Died to buy us life
Who dares to forget Him?
Who dares not to praise Him?
We will cry for oblivion
While the Lamb is in heaven
Here is love vast as the ocean
Loving-kindness as the flood
While the Prince of life a ransom
Shed for us his precious blood
Who His love can not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise
He will never be forgotten
Throughout heaven's eternal days
Saturday, July 3, 2010
The Welsh Revival of 1859
Maybe the last entry on this subject but maybe my favorite.

'Morlais Castle is a place where, on fine Sunday mornings, scores of the worst charaters (from the iron-works) meet to drink and fight... You might imagine what a den of wickedness that place is on Sunday morning.
On a fine Sunday morning in June last, about twenty young lads could be seen wending their way thither, and they reached the polluted spot about half past five. One young lad said to them, that they had come to hold a prayer-meeting, at which idea the drunkards scoffed... A testament was opened and a chapter read; a hymn was sung, and most melodius it was in the breeze of the morning.
By this time all had become quite serious. Not a laugh or a jest passed - nothing was heard but prayer and praise... the beer was thrown away. Many swore emphatically that they would never go to Motlais Castle again for such a purpose... and in less than a month hundreds met on the highest summit of Morlais Castle to worship their creator...the hills and woods would echo the praises of God, and the effect was most thrilling.'
The Welsh Revival: Its origin and development
'Morlais Castle is a place where, on fine Sunday mornings, scores of the worst charaters (from the iron-works) meet to drink and fight... You might imagine what a den of wickedness that place is on Sunday morning.
On a fine Sunday morning in June last, about twenty young lads could be seen wending their way thither, and they reached the polluted spot about half past five. One young lad said to them, that they had come to hold a prayer-meeting, at which idea the drunkards scoffed... A testament was opened and a chapter read; a hymn was sung, and most melodius it was in the breeze of the morning.
By this time all had become quite serious. Not a laugh or a jest passed - nothing was heard but prayer and praise... the beer was thrown away. Many swore emphatically that they would never go to Motlais Castle again for such a purpose... and in less than a month hundreds met on the highest summit of Morlais Castle to worship their creator...the hills and woods would echo the praises of God, and the effect was most thrilling.'
The Welsh Revival: Its origin and development
The Safest Place

I was doing my daily devotions/private worship. And God brought to me Psalm xci (91). He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will adide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord 'My refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.'esv.
This whole chapter is about the shelter and protection of God. He is our 'refuge'. The Hebrew word here is the same word for hope. Which is interesting for psalm xlii (42). But the thing that caught my eye was verse 4 He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust:.
When we are in this spot, under His wings, in His feathers, in the Strong Tower, this is where we are closest to our God. This is where He can speak to us clearly. This is where we feel the fullest of His love and mercy. In my own life I have to abide always in the safety of my God's wings.
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