This is a some what well known welsh hymn. Written by William Williams I found when i translated the words literally they were very powerful.
Dyma gariad fel y moroedd,
Tosturiaethau fel y lli:
Twysog Bywyd pur yn marw—
Marw i brynu’n bywyd ni.
Pwy all beidio â chofio amdano?
Pwy all beidio â thraethu’I glod?
Dyma gariad nad â’n angof
Tra fo nefoedd wen yn bod.
English (literal)
Here is love like the ocean
Mercies like the current
The pure Prince of life died
Died to buy us life
Who dares to forget Him?
Who dares not to praise Him?
We will cry for oblivion
While the Lamb is in heaven
Here is love vast as the ocean
Loving-kindness as the flood
While the Prince of life a ransom
Shed for us his precious blood
Who His love can not remember?
Who can cease to sing His praise
He will never be forgotten
Throughout heaven's eternal days
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