Today's reading was the fall. There are the major things that jump out to me. Eve was not surprised the serpent spake. The first recorded sin in the bible in verse 4. God clothed them in animal skin, a picture of the up coming covenant. And the...say it with me class...protoevangelim!
Things that stood out to me were: The first sin they realized they had committed was being naked. The fruit gave them the knowledge of 'good und evil'. They knew they should not be naked. Hmmm interesting.
Also, they did not know they were naked till both of them had eaten. The fact that adam was never tempted by the snake but only by woman.

When adam and woman ate of the fruit we assume that they learned all the naughty things that they should not do (we know what assuming does). Once they ate the fruit there were able to discern what was evil and good. They did not have sin 101 downloaded into their heads.
Also, not only did they know what was wrong to do but they could now perceive what was good to do. Which is where C. S. Lewis starts his book Mere Christianity. There is a Human Nature in us that knows when evil is committed.
We are dead in our sins, so when we commit sin was don't think twice about it. But it is when sin is committed against us (being lied to, being stolen from, being cheated) That is when we see that there is a bar or standard of good and bad.
Read the passage for yourself. Comment and tell me somethings you saw or things you'd like to add to this post. Above anything, read it, apply it, live it.
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