for he is a chosen instrument of mine
Sorry for the lack of postings. I've just started working third shift and this is the reason for the delays.
Saul was chosen by God for a special service. God had chosen, long ago, to use Saul to give the gospel to the Gentiles. God has special plans for all of us.
I told my fiancee the other day that I have never chosen what church to God to. The choice has always been made for me. I have either gone with my parents, to my college's church, or the church where my fiancee goes now.
Could I choose to go to a different church? Sure. I had a hard time with this. I had never chosen for myself what church I wanted to attend. Then God worked in my heart to show me something.
When we have no control over a situation, then we know God is in complete control (He is in control of ever situation, we just realize it more during these times). Since I was not the one choosing where I wanted to go, Then God was the one choosing for me.
God places us in places and situations even when we don't realize it. I praise God for every congregation He has brought me to.
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